• PT. Quadra Indonesia Utama

    We have it covered. Engineering. Surveying. Solutions When you need
    Our business is based on delivering excellent results and achieving high levels of repeat business. View More Details! Contact Us!


    Who are we

    About The Company

    PT. Quadra Indonesia Utama (QIU) is an innovative and highly experienced telecommunication and engineering consultancy company focused on providing Network Engineering and Construction of telecommunication system services including Surveys, Tower Analyses, CME Implementation, Installation including Testing-Commissioning of various telecommunications equipment and dedicated to delivering projects using the best team and equipment.

    Our business is based on delivering excellent results and achieving high levels of repeat business. A strategy that has seen the company grow successfully and organically over the last five years since QIU established in 2017 and we aim to improve every year.

    Expertise and experiences

    Our Services

    QIU is a company engaged in the field of General Contractor with major business in Network Engineering and Construction of Telecommunication Systems which is covering Surveys, Engineering, CME Implementation, Installation including Testing Commissioning of various telecommunications equipment, Goods or materials supply for installation work and supporting facilities.

    With the extensive network, professionalism and commitment of every department, enable QIU team to provide a good quality service, consistent and value-added for the achievement of common goals.

    Sites Surveys which includes providing report and drawing on the measurement of the tower and equipment, detailed location sketches and photos documentation as well as other information required based on the technical site investigation. Tower Analyses which provide expertise to analyze the structure as well as providing recommendation on the structure design of the building/tower.

    QIU Core Services :

    Sites Surveys
    Tower Analyses

    Our Legal Document



    • QIU established in 2017 and registered with
      Notary Company ACT of Vika Fitriaini, ST,
      SH,M.Kn No. 3 dated March 6, 2017.
    • Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
      Decree No. AHU-0011334.AH.01.01. 2017
    • NIB No. 0220105621253
    • SIUP/TDP
    • PKP
    • NPWP


    • Licence K3
    • Certificate Working at Height
    • SBUJK
    • SIUJK
    • PERKINDO association
      membership certificate

    "The Development of telecommunications
    technology in Indonesia requires ecosystem
    support and collaboration.
    QIU establishment is expected to contribute to
    these needs."

    - Oktri Yusroh -

    Our years of achievements

    Our Projects

    We have the team that always aims for the best.

    Since established in 2017, we have increased our portfolio from performing 736 Site Survey to total site survey 12.505 until December 2023.

    Project Overview

    Within five years of the company’s establishment, we have conducted 10.331 sites survey throughout Indonesia, including supporting the tower acquisition project from PT. XL Axiata, Tbk. to PT. Protelindo (Pegasus Project) and delivered 14.819 sites Photo Tower Review projects.

    In 2020

    QIU invested in purchasing the MS Tower Software and successfully support and delivered 72 sites Tower Analysis work at PT. iForte.

    In 2021

    QIU was involved in JakWiFi Project, the free internet program launched by the DKI Jakarta Government, and handled 112 Fiber Optic (FO) pole installations in 10 sites, withdrawal of 24 core cables with a total length of 30 kilometers, 64 units of ODB installation & Access Point activation at the specific points in North Jakarta area. QIU also works for Bali Tower for their 10 sites Mini CME project to install 11-meter Extend Tower MCP, Telematics installation (Mounting, CCTV & Lights) & Grounding System Installation (Busbar, Grounding Tower & Lightning Rods) in Cirebon, West Java Area.

    In 2022

    Besides providing routine site surveys to PT. Tower Bersama Group, Tbk., we also conducted 2 Loss Surveys in Papua and South Sulawesi areas.

    In 2023

    In 2023, QIU collaborate with PT. Centratama Menara Indonesia for
    their 50 sites Mini Audit TPM. And QIU also works for PT. Indosat, Tbk.
    for their project 56 sites IOH N3T. We also works for Bali Tower for their
    6 sites Fiber To The Home (FTTH) and total installations 184 pole at the
    specific points in Jakarta area. And QIU also works for PT. Xl Axiata, Tbk.
    for their project Tower Analysis and we handled 112 sites at the specific
    points in Derawan, East Kalimantan.



    QIU established and successfully delivered 736 sites surveys.


    Increase the sites survey assignments to 2,492 sites.


    Increase the site survey assignments to 4.876 sites, 1.902 Photo Tower review projects as well as adding new clients.


    Increase the sites survey assignments to 5.971 sites, 4.902 photo tower review projects as well as adding new clients, building new competencies, and delivering 72 sites tower analyses.


    Increase the sites survey assignments to 8.001 sites, 11.380 sites photo tower review projects, delivering 72 sites tower analyses as well as adding new clients, building new competencies, and installed 10 sites Fiber To The Home (FTTH) JakWiFi project and 10 sites mini CME and groundings.


    Increase the sites survey assignments to 10.331 sites, 14.819 sites photo tower review projects, delivering 72 sites tower analyses, Installed 10 sites Fiber To The Home (FTTH) JakWiFi project and 10 sites mini CME and grounding as well as adding new clients, building new competencies, and delivering 2 sites loss surveys.


    Increase the sites survey assignments to 12.505 sites, 22.423 sites photo tower review projects, delivering 72 sites tower analyses, installed 18 sites Fiber To The Home (FTTH) JakWiFi project and 10 sites mini CME and grounding as well as adding new clients, building new competencies, and delivering 2 sites loss surveys.


    Of total sites survey assigment until July 2022


    Of total Tower Analyses Project


    Of Total Sites FTTH Jakwifi Project


    Of Total Sites Mini CME and Grounding Project


    Of Total Loss Survey


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      Arva Building, 3rd floor. Soeroso Street, Gondangdia, Menteng Jakarta Pusat

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